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The Blog

Stacy Mal
Jun 9, 20232 min read
Growing In Silence
A little while ago, I felt called to silence. The only problem was I have been so incredibly and insanely busy that I didn’t think...

Stacy Mal
Jun 2, 20222 min read
Making Bracelets
My daughter and I sat down to make bracelets together. After awhile, she started to get frustrated. Her beads kept slipping off the...

Stacy Mal
Sep 11, 20212 min read
Enjoy the Ride
We were headed to church this morning. I was sitting in the passenger seat; my husband was driving. I looked in the back seat at my...

Stacy Mal
Jul 26, 20211 min read
When the House Gets Crazy
Sometimes our house can get chaotic. Big families are just like that. But sometimes it’s more than just chaos. Sometimes it feels like an...

Stacy Mal
Jun 1, 20212 min read
The Sponge of the Earth
While in prayer many years ago, I was shown a sponge like this one. And I've seen it many times since. It represents us. You, me,...

Stacy Mal
Apr 27, 202110 min read
Come Away With Me
I’ve kinda told this story before, but it’s worth expanding on. Especially now. Warning: this is going to be long, but it needs to be....

Stacy Mal
Apr 14, 20215 min read
Joyful Mysteries for My Children
Opening Prayer: Eternal Father, I know these children You have entrusted to me are not mine, but Yours. Thank You for the honor and...

Stacy Mal
Mar 12, 20212 min read
33-Day Rosary Novena for My Family
(Pray the below Opening Prayer followed by five decades of the rosary for 33 days.) Opening Prayer: I offer this rosary to the Eternal...

Stacy Mal
Dec 25, 20192 min read
Our Final Steps of the Journey
Last night at the 5 pm Mass our family was asked to walk into the church with Fr. Tom and lay baby Jesus in the manger for the opening...

Stacy Mal
Jul 18, 20193 min read
Children Imprisoned
I pray for my kids everyday, but on Wednesdays I fast for them too. It's the day I storm heaven on behalf of them, praying the world does...

Stacy Mal
Mar 10, 20193 min read
Sneaking Candy
The other day I told my 3 year old she couldn't eat a lollipop that they handed out at dance. Because of her Lyme disease we don't do...

Stacy Mal
Nov 7, 20173 min read
Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant
I’d like to share a little something that came to me in prayer this morning. I had a vivid flashback of my daughter. She had been telling...

Stacy Mal
Jun 5, 20175 min read
I'm a Big Baby
Have you ever had a moment where a word or a sentence jumps out at you - as if it separates itself from all the other words, like within...

Stacy Mal
May 22, 20173 min read
Language of Love
I had a profound moment at church yesterday. Our family sat near the deaf members of the parish, by the interpreter. One particular deaf...

Stacy Mal
Dec 14, 20163 min read
A Child Shall Lead Them
It's a long story but a recent plumbing issue has caused us to redo some things in our kitchen/living area. (Yes the week before...
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