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Joyful Mysteries for Those Considering Abortion

Writer's picture: Stacy MalStacy Mal

Opening Prayer (Dictated by the Blessed Virgin Mary to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle)

Divine Infant Jesus, as we pray this Rosary, we ask You to remove from the Heart of the world the desire to commit the sin of abortion. Remove the veil of deceit Satan has placed over hearts, which portrays promiscuity as a freedom, and reveal it for what it is-slavery to sin. Place over the Heart of the world a renewed respect for life at the moment of conception. Amen

Mysteries (Written by Stacy Mal):

The Annunciation:

By the merits of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Annunciation, I pray that all parents faced with an unplanned pregnancy will have the grace to understand God’s plan for their unborn child. Holy Spirit descend upon these parents that they will have the strength to give their fiat to God’s Will.

The Visitation:

By the merits of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Visitation, I pray that all mothers contemplating abortion will be visited by the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. I pray the unborn child will be stirred and sanctified in the womb, and the Mother will unwaveringly choose life.

The Nativity:

By the merits of Jesus Christ at His Nativity, I pray that all parents burdened by fear and uncertainty will find shelter and protection in the arms of the Mother of God. I pray that a great light will rise in their darkness and lead them in the way of life.

The Presentation:

By the merits of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph at the Presentation, I pray that all parents considering abortion will receive a powerful and prophetic word regarding their child. I pray this word touches their hearts and causes a deep conversion toward life.

The Finding in the Temple:

By the merits of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph at the Finding in the Temple, I pray all parents considering abortion will feel the grief that Mary and Joseph felt when they lost Jesus. I pray these parents will feel the pain of this loss BEFORE they go through with the abortion and that it will provoke an immediate change of Heart.

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