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Glorious Mysteries for Perseverance in Daily Life

Writer's picture: Stacy MalStacy Mal

The Resurrection:

They placed Jesus’ dead body in a tomb and rolled a boulder in front of the opening to seal it up. It seemed to be, on all levels, a hopeless situation. Death was irreversible. The boulder was immovable. But nothing is impossible for God. Jesus rose from the dead and rolled away the stone with power from on high. Those who went to the tomb searching for Him became witnesses of His resurrection.

Jesus, grant me the grace to seek You always, even in seemingly hopeless, irreversible, and heavy situations. Roll away the stone of my doubt. Unchain my heart from this grief. Raise me to new faith. Let me experience Your power from on high, and witness Your resurrection. Here I am, Lord. I come to this mystery in search of You.

The Ascension:

When Jesus ascended to Heaven, the disciples who had spent so much time with Him (learning from Him, speaking with Him), were left seemingly without Him. They were forced to carry on in Jerusalem on their own. He had commissioned them to do so—to continue His ministry until He comes again, or until they enter Heaven with Him.

Jesus, grant me the grace to continue on in everyday life… after our time here together in prayer, speaking with You, learning from You. Commission me now to carry on in my family, my town, my workplace, and my home. Help me not to stay here with my eyes fixed only on the Heavens, but to be on the lookout for those who you place on my path who need to Hear of your Kingdom. Help me to continue Your ministry until You come again, or until my last day.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

The disciples gathered in the upper room, in fear —afraid that they too would be killed like Jesus. Then the Holy Spirit descended upon them and filled them with power and courage and wisdom… completely changing them and equipping them. They then went out preaching and baptizing a multitude who were converted to the faith that very day.

Jesus, grant me the grace to receive You and to be filled with Your Spirit during these prayers. Cast out fear from my heart. Consume any feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, anxiety or despair. Change me and equip me with power, courage and wisdom… for Your glory, Lord, and the building up of your people and Your Church.

The Assumption

The Blessed Virgin Mary who was free from all sin, did not suffer the effects of the grace, which is a result of sin. Instead, at the end of Her earthly life, She was assumed body and soul into Heaven, and rejoined with Her Son in glory.

Lord, I am not free from sin like the Blessed Virgin Mary, not at all… but at the end of my earthly life, I want to be joined with You in Heaven, in glory. So, I ask You to make known to me my faults and failures. Give me the grace of an illumination of conscience and the strength to turn away from sin and atone for what I have done. When my body must suffer the grace, let my soul skip the fires of purgatory and be assumed into glory. Create a new heart in me, Oh Lord.

The Coronation

The Mother of the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace was rightly crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth upon Her arrival into Heaven. What a blessing this is for us, because, as such, She was given power to dispense of God’s grace to His children who are open, who are making their way to the Kingdom.

Lord God, open my heart to Your grace during these prayers. Blessed Mother, if you see anything in my that is preventing me from being as open as I need to be, exercise your Queenly power and cast it out of me. Charge the angels to guide and protect me. Fill me with the grace I need to make it safely to Heaven where my own crown awaits me.

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Mary, Protectress of the Faith, come to our aid. St. Maximilian Kolbe pray for us. St. Louis de Montfort, pray for us. St. John Paul II, pray for us. St. Faustina, pray for us. St. Michael the archangel, defend and protect us.

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